This website is operated by:
Reproservice D. Röpstorff + Partner GmbH
Hammerstiel 5
24226 Heikendorf
Hammerstiel 5
24226 Heikendorf
Mr. Dipl.-Ing. Dieter Röpstorff (managing director)
Contact details:
Tax registration:
Tax ID (§27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz):
DE 811 468 741
Trade register ID:
HRB 3682
GDPR notice
This website does not offer any system of registering a user account,
does not use cookies,
does not use any external analysis tools or services (like Google Analytics),
and does not use any externally hosted scripts or libraries in general.
In the interest of ensuring fast and reliable access,
this website and our email services are hosted by external service providers,
with all data being stored on servers in Germany.
When accessing any document on this website,
the server software, as it is common, makes a note of this in an access log.
For any file that is retrieved,
these access logs will contain information about the time of retrieval,
the IP address of the retrieving computer,
and the self-identification of the retrieving browser.
In the interest of providing reliable access to our website to all interested parties,
these log files are automatically compiled into a report on page visits once a month.
This report will show the total number of visitors
as well as a breakdown by country of origin (as indicated by the IP address)
and by browsers used.
Details about individual site visits can not be retraced from these compiled reports.
After the automated analysis, the original log files are deleted.
Neither the log files nor the compiled reports are ever shared with third parties.